Jun 25th 10:00, by ELF Communications

Though hit for Mercenaries: Tim Hänni out for season

Tim Hänni - Helvetic Mercenaries

Noa Monn

Jun 25th 10:00, by ELF Communications

Though hit for Mercenaries: Tim Hänni out for season

That’s a though hit for the Mercenaries: Due to an injury, Defensive Tackle Tim Hänni, is out for the rest of the season.

"We wish Tim a speedy recovery", his team posted on Social Media.

Hänni one of the leaders at the Mercenaries

The 27 year-old two time All-star is playing in the ELF since three years and is one of the leaders at the Helvetic Mercenaries. His team started 0-4 into this season.

On week ago the Mercenaries got new owners which have mid- and long-term plans for the Swiss' team.


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